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40+ years of Christ-centred education!

Saskatoon Christian School (SCS) is a K-12 faith-based school offering Christian instruction that conforms to the Ministry of Education's goals and requirements for Saskatchewan students.

We are a community committed to learning and, as such, we strive to provide engaging and enriching learning experiences for all of our students.  Our aim is to nurture the talents of each and every child. From the child-centred and play-based activities of our early elementary programming through to the mastery of key skills and the pursuit of individual passions, SCS aims to foster not only academic potential but a lifelong love of learning.

At SCS, learning takes place as much inside the classroom as out.  We offer a broad range of extracurricular programs including sport, music, drama and outdoor education.  Additionally, our students are active participants in their local community and abroad, contributing and raising awareness through service to others.

As a parent, your child’s education is one of the most significant investments you can make.  You need a school that will provide a firm foundation for your child’s future! We encourage you to explore our website to learn why SCS is a pioneer in Christian education!

At a Glance

Vision | To develop godly stewards who glorify Christ spiritually, intellectually, socially, and physically.

Mission | To assist families by providing a Christ-centred education that disciples students to strengthen the family, serve the Church, and influence the world.


  • Christ-centred | We believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life.
  • Partnership with Home and the Church | We recognize the influence of home and church as an expression of the body of Christ in providing a Christ-centred education.
  • Unity | We celebrate that within SCS we have many cultures and traditions represented, enriching our community and unifying us in Christ.
  • Nurturing Environment | We believe a safe, caring, and encouraging experience fosters the development of Christian character.
  • Excellence (Spiritual, Academic, Relational, Physical) | We believe giving our best honours Jesus Christ.
  • Vibrant Community | We believe we are to be one in Christ with no division, to be of one mind perfectly united in His purpose. 

SCS is a Certified Independent School under the oversight of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, in accordance with The Education Act and The Registered Independent Schools Regulations.  At SCS, we teach the Kindergarten to Grade 12 Saskatchewan curriculum, and as such, our teaching staff are regularly evaluated by the Ministry's superintendents of programs.

SCS is operated by Saskatoon Society for Christian Education Inc. ("SSCE"), a membership organization established to provide weekday Christian instruction and education for students in order that they may “strengthen the family, serve the Church, and influence the world.”  As such, the general purpose of the Society is to maintain high standards of Christian education in the school and to promote opportunities to expand Christian education in the Saskatoon region.

The Board of Trustees is accountable to the members of the Society, parents, students, staff and the entire school community for the conduct, performance and culture of SCS. The Board provides strategic guidance for SCS and effectively oversees and reviews the school's management.  Click here to email the Board. Please note, however, that the Board does not involve itself in specific management issues.  Matters related to the day-to-day operation of SCS should be referred to the Principal or Director.

From humble beginnings in 1983, SCS opened with 33 students and 2 staff, operating a K-8 program out of 3 rooms rented from a local school.  Forty years later, we had an enrollment of 300 students and 40 staff.  SCS offers a fully accredited K-12 curriculum from modern facilities situated on its 37-acre campus.  SCS would not enjoy its current success if not for the deep faith, sharp foresight and obvious commitment to Christian education shown by the founding families and those who followed.  As the school has grown and as the circumstances and partnerships for Christian education have changed, SCS has adapted, looking back with thanksgiving and ahead with hope.


  • 1983 | Using 3 rented rooms at John Lake School, Saskatoon Christian School opened with 33 students, 2 staff and a K-8 program.
  • 1985 | SCS moved to 2410 Haultain Avenue as tenants of the Saskatoon Full Gospel Church.
  • 1993 | SCS received Accredited School status from the Saskatchewan Department of Education.
  • 1994 | Grade 9 added to the curriculum.
  • 1999 | SCS accepted as an “associate school” with Saskatoon Public School Division which allowed the school to receive partial funding and access to school division resources.
  • 2002 | Grades 10 to 12 added to the curriculum.
  • 2003 | Current facility built on 37 acres purchased for that purpose.
  • 2010 | With student enrollment at 350, school facilities expanded to include 4 additional classrooms, a fine arts room and a multi-purpose auditorium.
  • 2013 | Completed addition of temporary classroom space to accommodate anticipated enrollment of 380.
  • 2020 | Awarded Qualified Independent School status by the Ministry of Education.
  • 2022 | Awarded Certified Independent School status by the Ministry of Education (the first in Saskatchewan).

The SCS Difference

Students at Saskatoon Christian School are known and highly regarded for their genuine care and compassion for others and their enthusiasm for all that they do.  Their love for SCS is evident in the way they treat each other, respect their teachers and wholeheartedly contribute to their wider community.  While everyone will have challenging times, you can be sure that there will always be a community of support available at SCS.

At SCS, you can be confident that our positive learning culture translates to an environment where teachers can focus on bringing out the best in every child and where children understand that they are at school to learn.  Our classrooms at every level are notable for the focus shown by the students and enthusiasm for learning that exists.

We are committed to pursuing meaningful excellence in academics since we believe that God has called us to excellence.  Whether that is in the field of mathematics, science, humanities, arts or athletics.  Whatever the gifts of your children, there is a place for them at SCS.

No one understands the importance of effort and determination like the staff at SCS. From the early years right through to Grade 12, we encourage the understanding that with the right attitude anything is possible. Time and time again our most successful graduates tell us that, while they may not always have been the ‘most naturally gifted’ student, their hard work and determination helped them achieve success.

Our students are offered the opportunity and encouragement to succeed as they engage in an extensive extracurricular program of sports, music, fine arts, personal development, outdoor education, and cultural activities.  In addition, our secondary students have numerous opportunities to experience the world.  Current programs include student discipleship trips to Bolivia and cultural tours to Europe.

The SCS Leadership Team is committed to continual improvement and providing regular opportunities for parents to discuss matters that affect or concern them.  Whether it be one-on-one meetings, attendance at one of our "town hall" meetings, or casual conversations at a school event, the school's leadership make themselves available to parents and students alike.

Character Awards